Here we are.
From genes of Troma absolute that the jewel missing (which rhymes sbura kills).
Nuke'Em High. C 'is an air of new king here.

A Tromaville the college Tromaville High School is located dangerously close to nuclear . Following an accident, the school is contaminated. A student drinks the water and starts to become horribly. The episode, however, is minimized by the leaders of the nuclear power, and the lessons continue as if nothing had happened.
But the nuclear plant is also cultivated the marijuana . A group of students, called "idiots", you provide the power plant and packs of joints called the "high" atomic ". At a party, the group sells one of these joints to a pair of demure and shy boys: Warren ( Gil Brenton) and Chrissy ( Janelle Brady ). Once smoked the two have an intense sexual relationship and begin to have hallucinations .
The next day, Warren begins to mutate and attack the "idiots", while Chrissy horrible little monster vomits in the bathroom, that once inside the sewers grows and begins to kill all members of the school.
For the record also made two sequels, here runs the marathon, more than "Lord of the Rings," "Star Wars", "Filmon Oscan" and Pirlo similar.
Ricomponiamoci, we recall Alfieri order of Trash.