children (and I'm revived blog).
Force, another shock! We're losing
Try 200!
feel the beat, feel the beat!
scemotti's ok just do, but I am now the blog is a walking corpse.
Despite this, giovedìtrash lives and pulsates every week, and the more time passes the more we understand that the bottom is still far away (but we try Oh if we try ...) Someone
deign to do a summary of previous games I wish now I've got no time and I miss (I'm in a coffee break, echecazzo).
But in the face of such great newz I could not resist.
get this:
THAT STORY! But you think
sti imbecillacci of Japanese who came up to scratch a bit 'of dinero! Very
, hope arrives in Italy, so all the dust off his uniform with shoulder put it (very useful), ready to make up for the 7 stars in the chest with the cigarette butts.
I have pressed the point that nonlosentimaquandoteneaccorgitifaunmalecanetipoorchitefulminanteepoitisistaccanoleunghiedeipiedichegiàadessoseibruttodavederepensadopo secret ...
're already dead (pronounced tone absolutely voiceless and apathetic, as the great regret of voice actors Ken).
Fine coffee break, I'll punk the ridge, licking the blade of the knife and go back on motion.