Saturday, June 19, 2010

Eyeclops Mini Projector Computer

Good UDC government in Casarano

Once again, the good city government by a member of the UDC is felt, especially to see. After optimization of the collection, which in fact will save many thousands of municipal funds to the euro, to take the bench is the new face of the Gardens of William. For years, in need of restructuring, so-called communal gardens named after the late Mayor William Wholey, finally returning to the glories of the past. There is no doubt that over the merits of the entire administration, a special applause goes alderman Attilio De Marco and UDC that once again demonstrate their commitment by action and not with the bar talk often reported in newspapers and local websites. The UDC, in the person councilor De Marco, from its establishment at Palace of Dominicans, took home the results of which have not remained indifferent Casarano. Last but not least, in fact, the redesign, at no cost to the municipality, the gardens of William. It can not be proud of the fact that (because of "facts" they are) that receive support from the citizens is a member of our party.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Online Cribbage Board To Use With Real Cards

Dragon Day 2010

will also present the POL Levata Kendo + a "delegation" of Cus Verona! A

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Cook Pasta In A Steamer


I read yet another note of PDL Casarano with which it charges to my party to keep a "low profile".
of two things: either have a very short memory or have serious problems understanding the Italian language.
In my note of 19 April this year reads verbatim "The decision to consult the public on the construction of a plant for the production of renewable energy (read referendum), had already been gained in the last parliament. We respect the old as the new city council and then we were, and we still are, convinced that this was the only way forward to reach a decision (whatever has been gained by the population) "shared" by every citizen Casarano. "Dear friends, I call the PDL to be more honest with our citizens and to clarify the reasons for persistence on both a topic that right now the group has seen deployed in support of the UDC referendum.
Today we are a party of city government and believe enough, once a deliberate decision, communicated to the public and pursue the goal with our work. Perhaps it is fortunate that you're not to govern the city, given the tendency to think back only ever manic to a topic, discussing anything. You'd barely managed to write a resolution ... If not then you have filled the newspapers with controversial and instrumental means for you to keep a low profile then I tell you frankly that, myself and the Deputy Mayor and Councillor De Marco Attilio Massimo Villa prefer to work more on getting things done rather than spend time re-reading interventions in newspapers and internet and then "blame" political opponents to keep attitudes high or low.
Hoping to have clarified the understanding of the political group let me ask friends of the opposition (a term I do not like, but used by those who, unlike myself, means of politics) when we will introduce their project to the development of our cities (apart from biomass), especially considering the fact that for over ten years advisers Cat, Marrella and Bartholomew and speak on the mistakes of those who preaches " rules "(and I must say that on some issues they are absolutely right), but are careful to propose a model of development, whatever it is. Perhaps they hope that everything will be resolved with some miracle pill.
Finally, I would not join those who use any argument for the purposes of electoral propaganda to the children of the SEL which I must admit (despite the difference of opinions on many subjects) consistency and intellectual honesty admirable, and now someone will say that I became a communist, but the intellectual honesty has no color.
Alberto Chiriacò
Director National Union of the Centre national
Commissioner UDC - Casarano