Friday, March 18, 2011

Blueprints For A Guitar Stand

IF YOU HAVE A HEART ... SHARE ... (But it goes on mus) *

is defined
"intolerance STUPIDOSIO"
all symptoms that may occur because of the inability to digest the STUPIDOSIO, the main sugar content in the brain evil humanoid. E 'caused by a lack of patience, the enzyme that breaks down into simple sugars LO STUPIDOSIO which are then absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, liver, testicular as well!

continues incessantly my campaign in the hope that some brain awake from the torpor of media and find the path of light.

"If you have a heart .. . share ... "
is a moral blackmail.
And who post similar links
E 'blackmail

c'avete And just what to take with me. It 's so. Point. Fatevene a reason, but before you finish reading this handbook.
Allow a premessina.
post a link to a leukemic child and accompany the same link with the phrase "If you have a heart, share, before being a full-blown moral blackmail, is a boiata of atomic proportions.

If I had a heart hominid that places are indecent, would you go in person to pediatric oncology and would you give a hand on the ground. So stop making fake and pathetic move your ass, because consciousness does not come back clean with a click and cabbage that passes for "good" if you share a similar image on your wall. Steps for mona! And with good reason!

Since there are not even 8 am and annoys me to start the day by sending you to hell, I'll let Susan Forward is to do it for me!

Copincollo his description of moral blackmail and I leave her here in SERIOUS hope we do not want to complain because "E 'trooooppo luuuungo" and want to realize that the lesson of this post will serve for Life.

will improve you, making you realize (perhaps) that you are endowed with cosmic insignificance and help you sgam who wants to put in the bag!

my sincere wishes! :)

the moral blackmail

It 's a powerful form of manipulation in which a person close to us threaten, directly or indirectly, to punish us if we do not do what he wants. Usually this kind of blackmail is implemented by the very people that we are closer and with whom they have close relations:
can be parents, spouses, children, friends, employers, colleagues in general, those persons who we keep and who want to get something from us that is contrary or not fully respond to our feelings, plans, expectations.
In his book Emotional Blackmail (literally emotional blackmail), Susan Forward, however, contends that blackmail is expressed, the underlying message is clear and it is: if you do not give me what I want I'll make you pay . This is certainly a sad message that life, as it often creates fear, guilt, anxiety and urges us to move in a direction that is not exactly what we want or the one closest to our deepest desires.

But how is this possible?
Typically, the blackmailer is someone important to us, a person who knows us very well and knows exactly what are our weaknesses: in this sense it is easy to get what he wants, leveraging on our fear of losing the relationship or conflict, our sense of duty, such as remembering what he has done for us and what we should be his debtors, and finally sull'indurre in us a sense of guilt, making us feel responsible for his malaise.

From this point of view is easy to see how often the punishment ventilated by the blackmailer is the ability to affect the relationship in which we are engaged and to which we , the possibility of losing respect and value in the eyes of the person who is close to us and that there is a veiled blackmail, in making us feel selfish, evil, cold and indifferent if we do not accept to do what is required of us.

Although not all the blackmailers have the same style is important to note that the common ground on which they move is fear: fear of losing the person they care, fear of change, fear of rejection, fear of losing power within the report. Specifically, what is the style of blackmail? According to their mode of action, distinguishes four categories of blackmailers Forward: punitive, self-punitive , victims and deceivers.

The punitive
We do know exactly what they want and the consequences to which we will be faced if we are not complacent. Typical expressions of this kind of blackmail are for example: If you accept this job I'm leaving, If you leave me you will not see the children if you do not agree to work overtime as well forget the promotion.

The self-punitive
enact more subtle blackmail and leverage on our compassion and our feel responsible for them. Their blackmail is expressed in seeing that if we do what they want they will be so upset that they are unable to behave normally. In this sense they can also threaten to damage their lives, of harming, endangering their health and happiness.

not make threats and threaten to get even evil, however, are keen to tell us unequivocally that if we do what they want, they will suffer and the guilty will be ours alone.

is the more subtle kind of blackmail are those who encourage us, we promise love or money or career and then we explain that, if we do not behave as they want it, we do not receive anything.

In fact there are no sharp boundaries between different types of extortion and blackmail are generally very good at disguising the pressure to which we submit to the point that when we feel, rather tend to question our perception of what is happening, rather than the behavior of our opponent.

In this regard, there is often even a huge difference between what is objectively a blackmailer, and how benevolent and full of tenderness with which he interprets their actions.

In this sense it is almost inevitable to feel confused, disoriented, angry, it is easy to feel uncomfortable, have the perception having to change the situation where you are and promise to do so constantly, only to give in to blackmail and feel more and more often used and robbed of their freedom.

In these situations, you run the risk of having doubts about his ability to do what you really want and that feels good, to lose confidence in its determination and you end up questioning their self-esteem.

However, because a blackmail occurs requires the participation of two people: a moral blackmail can not function without the participation of the victim , participation which is expressed in letting the blackmail happen and repeatedly occurs .

However, this is a more or less conscious and in any case suffered . In fact, sometimes we do not realize to be entangled in this dynamic, other times you may be aware of the blackmail, but still be able to cope since it affects our weaknesses and forces us to react in ways that were learned from experiences already lived and contribute to the persistence of blackmail. Some of these weaknesses are, for example:

  • a excessive need for approval by the people we love that drives us to do what they ask us though is different from what actually would like.

  • the need to maintain peace at all costs avoiding any conflicts.

  • tendency to assume too much responsibility for the lives of others that often has the corollary to feel guilty about anything that threatens the welfare of the person with whom we report.

  • the temptation to give up their well-being and their wishes in order not to see the person you love suffer , the latter, perhaps more than any other, is a dynamic that leads to being trapped in the psychological needs of the other losing the ability to analyze problems and the ability to understand how to best solve them.

In any case, it is perhaps worth noting that in general the blackmailers are not monsters. Often in fact the moral blackmail arises within a relationship full of important aspects of good and positive and blackmailers are rarely motivated by malice, in most cases, as we have seen, they act in the wake of a deep fear. In this sense, becomes the moral blackmail their way to defend against painful and frightening feelings. As we have seen it of a relational mode definitely harmful: in the first place for the person being blackmailed, in time for the report itself and therefore also for the blackmailer . From the above, it is clear how important it is out of this mode of relating.

How to get out The first step is to recognize what is happening and realize that you are involved in the relational mode of moral blackmail, the second step is given by try to understand the deep reasons which have their origin in these procedures is essential and then try to correct the behaviors that make us sick . In this process

is absolutely essential to clarify and define its position within the report, highlighting the feelings that you feel, say what you need, give what you have or do not are willing to accept, give another chance to express themselves the same way and then give the other the opportunity to choose freely what it going to do to continue the relationship itself, then accepting its decisions.

From this point of view it is essential to be able to embrace change, take risks and be able to tolerate that appropriate behavior can also result in immediate, albeit temporary, discomfort even greater than that already carried out, all this in view of increased personal well-being and a better working relationship in which we are involved.


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let me conclude as I began

Maybe it will not you ever say
but certainly some readers will thank you for all eternity!

And if you do not have it or you have it but use it annoys you ...
So be happy and spends a great Friday! :)

* But it's the Music (Trieste) Go to hell


************************* ***************************

Seriously ... If after reading this post I understood that you are embroiled in one or more moral blackmail or that you are putting yourself at work and wanted to change things, I recommend the book by Susan Forward and Donna Frazier " Guilt . Tea editions. Cost between 8 and 10 €. Pages 293 (showing that it is not an easy topic to be addressed). It is located in virtually every library.
To me, this book has given a lot. I hope you too! :) Hello

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Blueprints For A Bout Made Out Of Sticks

SPEECHES ... (Ref. 150th)

I tried, I swear!
It took me all the more good will in the world.
I stood there, spectacles on nose, ears cleaned.
I have previously satisfied the beasts of the house, I have taken away every disturbing element, and I postponed phones I turned off the phones and PCs.

I tried.
I was alert, awake, well prepared.

God, or whoever he is my witness: I've got the whole set.

But it was useless.

I dozed off.

It is no accident, I dozed off FOREVER.

E 'stronger than me. E 'stronger than my tenacity. E 'stronger than my patriotism.

I tried to analyze the whys and wherefores of the matter and reached the following conclusions.

Our politicians, perhaps because Italian and well educated, are incapable of making speeches.

least ...

They are unable to make speeches FOR ALL.

We are more than 50 million in this country.
Although under siege by the media is the history of the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy, I do not know how many know exactly who they were Mazzini, Garibaldi, Cavour & Friends. I do not know how many actually know something of the Renaissance and those who have learned concepts of micro scattered here and there and if they have filled their mouths in order to appear enlightened in a world rather dull, as in education.

Let's pretend to be half?? (Of course, my personal estimate is down):)

Here ... Napolitano's speech was not a speech for ALL.

What is Dramatica itself.

Or is it??

What is certain, at least in my opinion, is that in Italy there are no of Jonathan Favreau. This is very dramatic.
And, even if there ... do not work for Italian politicians.

caper Who is Jonathan Favreau? It 's a beardless boy that prepares speeches for Obama.

CALM ... ONE AT A TIME ... THAT SON Groans STI ... ??

mica wrote that I did not say anything very intelligent Obama at every turn ...
I say that says it well ... whether something intelligent or rubbish.

And I say that Jonathan is a great strategist. Use words like few in the world can do.

Let us take two examples at random.
's speech today and the establishment of the White House.

The first, rooted to the past as a telephone pole. The second, focused on today and tomorrow.
The first, stale and mono tone. The second, flowing and smooth.
The first, "musty". The second young man.

I'm not saying it was a bad speech.
I say that, as you might have paid attention to President Napolitano, I find it almost impossible for your brain does not become disconnected spontaneously to take a pause.
You're up to a coffee? You pooped even if you could hold out another hour? You went into the pantry to make Nutella?

Probably yes.

I got up to open the window, taking advantage of Libeccio. 'A bit of air ", I thought" It will help me keep focused. "
Mission failed.

It's easy to cite as sheep Montanelli:
A nation that ignores its past will never know anything of their present.

He did not say a silly, just do not understand why the Italians do not make more speeches.

If you listen carefully to an official speech as that of today, it is clear who fished a Cervino mountain of examples from yesterday.

might argue that because we talk about the history of Italian unification, we should speak of the unification of Italy. That since the Renaissance is the stuff of 1800, speaking of 1800 ...

Boh ... Also no!

You can start from there to come to a nice conclusion that in Italy I never hear: the happy ending! That end a concept pouring hope. Hope that, not ridicule, sooner or later must become reality. Sooner rather than later, possibly.

No wonder if we are not patriotic.
because it is useless to be fooled by the 150th. We do not give a tube!
Americans have the flag in the garden 365 days a year. Their respect for it and for the country which they live is light years away from ours.

We are able to shake a cohort only the World Cup!
(And do not say that is a lie) (I think?? You all know the Inno di Mameli without looking on Google? No?? So do not tell!):)

I think it's pretty clear why.
We are a nation of optimists.
We are a nation of dreamers, which is quite different.
Most of the time the dream remains the same. You know, you feel it. Beautiful is beautiful because you alienate us for a moment and to skip in a parallel universe, but you know that reality is something else.
Optimism is the quality that brings the dream of the parallel dimension to reality.

In speeches of our politicians is not optimism, there are dreams.

The future is in the form of words repeated, year after year, without which they are a real parallel in the life of every day. The young blah blah blah ... Become the future blah blah blah ...

It 'our normal brain disconnects, at some point ....

There is also another thing to say.
a speech, to be effective, must not only be well written, but must, necessarily, well played. ;

Schifani that reads its like a school essay is an example that fits like a glove.
I understand the time constraints, I understand wanting to give space to the President ... I understand everything ...

E 'when it comes to listen and understand what I am saying is that things change.
but I feel I understand, do not listen.

If I make a sondaggino hours and ask everyone:
"What the President said Napolitano today?" I do not know how many would be able to answer correctly.
Tomorrow will be easier, because the papers have made a summary of everything and everyone has been able to make a mental summary of the summary of the newspapers of the speech by George .

Dear Italian politicians,
takes modern writers. It takes YOUNG writers who are not slaves of our morbid connection to the past and history. We want writers with their feet anchored in 2011 and only one eye tied to our past.

I'm tired of "yesterday". I also want today. I also want tomorrow.

And so today and tomorrow to be effective, we need someone to drag the crowd.
is needed pathos.
We need people who feel their own the words written by others and are able to cast their own enthusiasm into the crowd, as if they were candy.
This, at least, the first step. From here you get to the sincerity of the words themselves, seeing them transformed from time to time, in fact .. I think there should ... but hope remains! :)

anyone surprised by the popularity of Beppe Grillo? Not me.

No matter what he says. Could read the label of Nesquik ... that would be convincing anyway. Who knows what could such a man with a well written speech in his hands.

Dear Italian politicians ...
remember very little of the 150th from tomorrow ...
But if in 10 years someone will ask "What has impressed you?"
Roberto Benigni will respond in Sanremo ... Napolitano and not in parliament.

During the President's speech, all my animals, fell into a deep sleep.
followed was a moment!


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* The photo was ignoble robbers from Google images.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Bud Light Bowling Ball


is defined
"intolerance STUPIDOSIO"
all symptoms that may occur because of the inability to digest the STUPIDOSIO, the main evil sugar content in the brain humanoid. E 'caused by a lack of patience, the enzyme that breaks down into simple sugars LO STUPIDOSIO which are then absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, liver, testicular as well!

The extremists do not like! = Nail & order = 9 & offset = 72 # / d1wemxv

I can not do anything, make me a rash.
not think we can, because anything you can say, even the most reasonable and intelligent case, the extremists are not taken down from its end just like a nail driven into the concrete!

And the drama, you know what?
that the average Italian E 'AN EXTREMIST!

STILL ... FERMIIII .... you know that when you start telling me the bad words like that, all together, do not follow you ... One at a time, please!

And then, what I said why?? That you (we) extremists ... Mica I have given the Taliban ... Do not confuse things ...

s. m . and f . [Pl. m. -sti ] who protest extremism, Spec. in political supporter of ideas, extreme measures night?
I read an article posted on FB by his friend F. on yet another cut in funds for culture, when suddenly appear in a Lord with a comment attached list of squandered by Mr. Silvio Soldini: regelatti to her friends, as well as fans, villas and parks maintenance of his property, necklaces, and gadgest key rings, banquets and various popes girls ...

Urticaria ...
This is gossip.

At that, a bit 'puzzled wonder as follows:

Ok but what he does with his pennies, about his son.
The "ding" of the fund for the culture of who I am??


In front of me appeared the figure of Mother Abbess, extreme bone, but it was the Lord always before. A little 'Fantozzi as he sees the Archangel Gabriel appear on the crossbar during a game bachelors married! TRAUMA!
The Lord replies thus:
Like hell what he does with his son about his pennies. Who put around this concept? First we see if they are facts.
I kept a pile of cold blood, but only a hair, because I was to ask:

If you are on your account, spend it how the hell they want.
Any inquiries about "How did the pennies His Majesty" is another matter.
Once your account are ... if he wants to give to his fans, he can do.
Just as each of us can do what he pleases and no one gets in the middle of sentences, because until evidence to the contrary, we all have the right to squander our bank account in Nutella, if you like it ... And if someone says no, you're just meddling in its facts.

I try with the last ounce of grace left for me to emphasize it, but the extremists do not want to listen to reason. Shows that I am right and pro Silvietta and post a Wikipedia link with the real or supposed flaws of the Premier.

apparent wrong, but is a classic of the extremists.
O with me or against me.
O me by reason or is not worth a quid.
's why I do not like.

The elasticity of mind is a wonderful quality that allows you to not judge your neighbor, measuring everything on your arm. Allows civil dialogue and urges people to compare and not war.

I just have to say goodbye.
If we can not reason, it is useless groped to make him understand he's saying nonsense.
It is not silly because I say so ... but because if a person is truly convinced that Silvio should be ashamed or to account for daily expenses claims is a fool.
Want to give a Cartier bracelet with your lover? DO ! It is not illegal. Nor does having a mistress. (As long as an adult). And if someone does the shopping or the woman with whom you spent the night, it's probably a moralist or a very envy you! :)

arrive to the point.
The Lord made me do a very simple reason that this has strengthened my existing concept of extremists. (Thank you, Lord that you made me think!)
In this case, the focal point of debate child (by both) had had with Lord of Fb focuses on scheming ruberecci adopted by the Premier to swell his personal funds.
In a word the theft.
How many of you think Silvietta steal? (With the "i", not with the "y")
Ohhhhh how many hands raised ... Ok ... you can lower ...

Well ... now I do see what you are extremists ... Oh, and that's not all ... because you lock the face the fact that you are a hypocrite ... READY??
How many of you have a bank account??
Here ... Very successful experiment! :)
're all here talking about how much money you have thieves and that mona has incurred expenses, you outraged at the theft committed
(real or imagined) and then what? Do you have an account with a structure that cheating is not limited to just put it in the butt to you, but that manages the fate of all humanity.

What are banks and theft. Yet no one took to the streets.
But I do not see a single post link on FB.
(Unless we speak to Report ... for 3 seconds then, yes, we all outraged, eh?)
When it comes to Silvio, to give it all up against and how much money gossippare gives his sciacquette ... when it comes to your ass, give to the banks! :)
GOOD Hypocrites!
Silvio steals and give a Fracci poker ...

steals the bank and I lower the crest, we slap inside my pennies and do nothing. Indeed, putting the pennies in perpetuating the institution of legalized theft, and I am an accomplice!

"Yeah, but Silvio steals for himself"
Yes, because the bank instead? Steals to give you??
"Oh yes but Silvio makes his dirty interests"

Yes, because the bank does yours??
"Oh yes but Silvio represents Italy in the World"
Yes, the banks managing the world heritage, by deciding who gets rich and who stays poor. When and whether to establish a global economic crisis.
see a little 'you!
two weights and two measures. Yet increasingly we are talking about theft.

Whether you steal an apple or 1 million euro, is still theft.
Not even the motivation to steal is holding, because if you stole the apple to feed your infant or you stole 1 million euro to get you Mind your own business, provided you have committed a theft.
It 's our morality that makes us see the two things differently, but the law remains THEFT. Even for the Italian language.
The example of the bank you do not like?
Want to talk about insurance??


If you post links on what rogue Silvietta, listing the real or alleged theft he made and then open a bank account, you're an extremist hypocrite.

If you can (for now) Silvietta only suppose that you had stolen the money, but you can be sure that money you put in the bank and are stolen every day your own son! :)
And if I miss lots for pennies so hard you've won and that should allow you and your loved ones a decent life, how dare you talk about other people's money?
How do you judge others, whether in the case of your own ass, you're the first who gets to 90 degrees??
typically human.
Typically Italian.

an extremist by definition is someone who is or here or there.
We Italians are so good that on a subject only (theft) we can be at opposite ends at the same time!


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* Yes, you can share the link on Facebook.
For technical reasons I can not slap the button on this specific template
PRECISION * For the love of the "you" is not directed the Lord of which I spoke, but to anyone who behave as extremist.