An KENDO feedback
last the course started kendo in Mantua, on Wednesday and already we are very pleased with the commitment rismasti and the large participation of these young pioneers of kendo Mantua.
Giuseppe, Luca, Marco and Mirco were very attentive and gave so much of himself to the point to pay off with your energy input and efforts of Daniel Christian who believed in the project are far from Verona to convey their knowledge.
Even last night there was a great confirmation of enthusiasm: the boys have given very positive feedback in response to the question about their impression of Christian discipline and have also proposed their own initiative to contribute to dissemination (who in their respective schools, such as 16 year old Marco and Mirco and who, like the mythical pinned Joseph, in the barracks of the district !!!). So I gave them the posters I had left, but I'll make new ones to carry on the propaganda.
The premises are very positive and another dream is coming true.
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