Monday, December 20, 2010

Start My Own Waxng Business


remember when I said aloud, that no I wanted to make huge demands? Disproportionate? Fancy? Monumental? Bloated? Pandemic??

Here ... I would have thought! :)

This Christmas ... I WANT
How?? They say I WANT??
But I would not ... I WANT ... present tense ...

I was saying ...

1 - VOGLIOpiù Love for all.

2-I want people who are not aware that Love èdappertutto finally to bump into her face.

3 -
VOGLIOche lasgnarsi cries of the people for what has no beginning and opening account of what has already '. 4 -
VOGLIOche the people cease to be framed in existence Pallosa (which are created by themselves) and then whining Evening Amane ... You wake up, do this, do that on the morning seguentericominci ... and, meanwhile, burglary bales to the next, complaining about the hard life that you do.

5 -
VOGLIOpiù autostostima for everyone!

6 -

VOGLIOche people realize that it can do what he wants (Conl'unico limit does not invade the space of others) 7 -
VOGLIOche everyone realize that the opinions of others devefregare a tube and not only self.
8 -

VOGLIOche who does not have the balls if the face cut off, those who let go and face the troppesi mona! 9 -
VOGLIOmeno responsibility for anyone.
10 -
VOGLIOche the world understand that life is a game and should be played.

11 -
VOGLIOche you understand that the game is not me against TE ... It surpassed that no one loses ... You just need to enjoy playing.

12 -
VOGLIOche who think in numbers and codes to melt and enjoy life.

13 -
VOGLIOmeno surveyors, engineers and technicians, and more clowns.

14 -
VOGLIOvedere smiling people.

15 - VOGLIOche the cries of the people complaining about the bad things and, more importantly,
16 -
VOGLIOche the cries of the people lament the good things. Christmas faschifo, nobody loves me ... But it goes beyond ...

17 -
VOGLIOche the lockup to go at all costs in cercadell'infelicità.

18 - NONvoglio more poverty. Neither the financial nor quellamentale.

19 - VOGLIOcoerenza. Admitted second guessing and doubts, but not ilvoltafaccia.

20 - VOGLIOAMORE TRUE ... if you say "I love you" is being demonstrated and the nonce we talk about ...

21 - VOGLIOfatti, not words!

22 - VOGLIOpiù comics and old newspapers.

23 - VOGLIOche people laugh to tears and tears and all.

24 - VOGLIOche understand that you want is power. 25 -
VOGLIOche the cries of people being told what to do from the next.

26 -
VOGLIOmuova buttocks, rolled up their sleeves and act ... Go comevada ...
27 -
VOGLIOche the world you love by choice and not out of obligation ...

28 - VOGLIOche the people to stop telling other people who can not, do not you, is not well, it's useless ... eAGISCA that everyone chooses for himself in spite of everything and everyone.

29 - VOGLIOche people fight for the things he believes in (and without violence).

30 -
VOGLIOche people should stop being afraid of everything. Eh, maybe she did not mivuole maybe she thinks I'm maybe the boss thinks, magarinon me shit ... BUT WHO CARES ...

31 -
VOGLIOche people to understand that to need and DARE

32 -
VOGLIOche the DARE is associated with happiness and not sacrifice.

32 - VOGLIOche people understand that NOTHING can change or be changed. We only change ourselves, and once that is done, everything will necessarily be different. Therefore, stop waiting for others to change. Change YOU!

33 - VOGLIOche people begin again to say THANK YOU.

34 - VOGLIOche people learn to distinguish being from acting.

35 - VOGLIOche people realize that the limits are not imposed on anyone, but only by themselves.

36 - VOGLIOche everyone understands that what we hear is an opinion, not unfatto.

37 - VOGLIOche everyone understands that what we see is a perspective, not larealtà.

38 - VOGLIOche people see that the world is not the Little Disnayland Bottegadegli horrors.

39 -
NONVOGLIO to hear people say that life is shit.

40 - VOGLIOvedere all that excited about the little things for the children, to a sunset, a flower ...

41 - VOGLIOche people learn to stop giving everything for granted

42 - VOGLIOche no longer read between the lines

. 43 - NONVOGLIO more to be told "you did not understand !"... Cocolo .. speaks for itself and you will understand you are not mona!

44 - VOGLIOche people to buy the chalk and go out to paint the world.

45 -
VOGLIOche stop the suffering and try to hold on to the next distrascinarlo into the abyss with him.
46 -
VOGLIOche suffering, learn to ask for help and accept the hand that gliviene tense up again.

47 - VOGLIOche PLEASE ask all

48 - VOGLIOche who always says I, I, I ... start using all altrepersone.
49 -
VOGLIOche those who use all other people, learn to say I, I, I ... 50 - NONvoglio that more is judged on the basis of money, position socialee to all the amenities that make no sense ... One is' whatever theorigin from what he or FA.

51 - VOGLIOche people you trust

52 - VOGLIOche people launch the heart over obstacles

53 - NONVOGLIO see beyond the obstacle that is started by the brain ... (Perperderlo, most of the time)

54 - VOGLIOpiù socks with rubber and less moccasins (shoes office)
55 -
VOGLIOpiù bonbon and less coal for all

56 -
VOGLIOpiù sun and less rain for all

57 -
VOGLIOche people understand that racism is a mental problem andnot them a scourge of humanity .. as well as sexuality and the prejudices ...

58 - VOGLIOmeno religion and most ideal

59 - VOGLIOfigli behaved for all (Ergo WANT parents less idiot)

60 - VOGLIOche all pull out the kid in them.

61 - VOGLIOche sex is fun, not a drama

62 - VOGLIOche all are acceptable as they are physically and the map difare with the moralists who has some 'bacon ... But you vistoPulp Fiction?? The bacon is sexy

63 - VOGLIOfarmi Biagio Antonacci (Ops.. This is a personal wish .. sorry)

64 - VOGLIOche all be happy to being alive ...
65 -
VOGLIOche all fall in love with themselves

66 - VOGLIOche ALL fall in love .. for 5 minutes .. unosconosciuto also encountered on the street, even a friend online, anchedel neighbor, even in a split second ...

FALLING IN LOVE 's wonderful!

Fall in love ... E 'AN ORDER! 67 - VOGLIOche people stop to think that something you can ... There SIPU fall in love in a split second, you can not fall in love ofa stranger, you can not find work in 50 years, not puòcambiare, you can not, you can not, you can not ... BUT HE SAYS IT CAN Chenon '?? Only you say to yourself ... quindiSMETTETE!
68 -
VOGLIOsalute for all.

69 - VOGLIOpiù rub for anyone.

70 - VOGLIOche you stop believing in the jinx ... NOT bad luck there.

71 - VOGLIOche all dimenino buttocks in bar with music and not just me ... EFRA Let go.

72 - VOGLIOche the only life we \u200b\u200bare allowed to live, is a joy and nonuna torture.

73 - water balloon and do not WANT to shovel shit.

74 - I WANT brushes and not weapons.
75 - I want peace on earth for all the squirrels of goodwill ( This section deals with one person who will not read Why this post! hihihi Who cares .. I write the same:)
76 - I WANT people to understand that true emotion is live, not live emotions. The emotion is inside, not outside.
77 - I want things put in places of safety jump off when you need them (Ops.. . well I think this is a personal request ...)
78 - I want people to hum the street
79 - I want the abolition of shame, punishment and guilt!
80 - I WANT honesty anyone ... Everyone should learn to be honest with themselves and with others, because the sincerity PAYS! ALWAYS.

81 - I want everyone to stop thinking with the brains of others and assume what's inside! If in doubt, uncertainty or doubt, I ask people to light!

82 - people want a positive and constructive, never destructive!

83 - I WANT TO a mountain of pampering, carezzine scratch card and for all. That everybody and give everybody gets in quantity! (Even massaggini feet, shoulders, neck etc etc etc)

84 - I want people to kiss you do not do paranoia in public, to embrace and love yourself! Loving yourself is a godsend. To love is as critical as receiving!

85 - I want those who have taken so far, is starting to pay early and who have given so far to take, to restore the balance of the absolute give-and-take on Planet Earth!

86 - I want people to delay the plant. Want to do something? FALLA. Want to say something? Dill. Want to ask something? Ask. Simply put off! (Hint by Paola R. )

87 - I WANT to ban gossip sterile.

88 - I want people, given a choice, take orders from heart rather than pride. Pride leads to every year unnumero rash of injuries and deaths, damages your health and strains the liver.

89 - I want people make mistakes, learn to apologize in a decent way, without adding MA TU, with conviction and sincerity.

"I am wrong, I'm sorry, what can I do to fix it?" POINT. 90 - I want people to understand that freedom exists and everyone can create for himself and for others. In relationships, in life.
And certainly do not speak of that child that makes me say, do or think what I must, at the risk of undermining relations, or even threaten the existence of me or who stands beside me. I'm talking about the adult can feel free to be themselves, without constraints or restrictions. I speak of freedom the couple, with family, friends and work. I say "I go out with friends" "Hello and have fun" and not "Now there can all go f ...". That is not freedom. That is to have three years! :)

91 - I want the man starts to seriously respect the nature that surrounds him, realizing that he is a guest and not the master.

- want respect for animals. Just leave, just enough to stray and ill-treatment. Just buy puppies. Adottateli! Just think it's cool to have a purebred dog (Like a dress brand). Just leave the hairy to go on vacation. Just to tests ... we are almost in 2011, no need to test anything on animals .. come on ... (Suggested by Anny and Robyn V. )

93 - I want people to stop thinking "DO only if I get first." "I, if I first a guarantee of success." This is not life, this is the calculation of probabilities. But nobody is probably going through. We are experiencing is ENOUGH!


Who vuol'essere the first to start??


What the fuck, Santa ...


will be accepted only more positive points.

All other comments will not be taken into account.
Thank you all!


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