IS a bitch!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Can Antibiotics Cause Cloudy Urine
After 6 months, I feel the need to put it back here for a reason.
explain why some people, starting tomorrow, will no longer be in my life.
I appeal to people who think of my friend, even if much of what follows is related to relationships narrow. Hello
PS. In the bottom of the post I decided to add more elements discovered along the way.
In concrete vuoldire? I summarize here, in a version very didactic, quantoappreso about the two categories, starting from the only thing that Milega to infants.
The adult lives alone, away from their parents. I do not live quite far, indeed, but I long ago removed from their way of thinking and reasoning. I lead a life of its own, even if the house is the same. Well ... I binding on the location, but otherwise ... I'm ok!
The Boys always expect something from others. Children should take. Always. And do not give anything, of course. What do you take? Nutrition. Material, financial, psychological, emotional. They always ask something. Indeed, the claim. Always. Especially asking for continued presence. And if you do it to him by? You're an asshole! For them, anyone who does not meet their demands is an asshole. Naturalmemente not everyone is there to meet their esigenzse, indeed, virtually none. Not so much because they refuse to do so, but because they are themselves employed to meet their own needs. -
Children, for the reason mentioned above, tend to think that the world is full of assholes and you are pessimistic and tragic picture of life. -
For the adult, the word bastard has a positive meaning. It means to be autonomous, independent and able to face any obstacle and difficulty without any help from anyone. -
children are afraid of the world and life because they are unable to deal with them. Therefore, they are chronically unhappy. Their fear, due to the inability to resolve their own difficulties, means that children of 40 years 20/30 and systematically seek solutions to their problems outside themselves. Yes increasingly rely on someone or something that helps them cope with life, to gain that happiness which, alone, are unable to reach because they are the chronically unhappy. Children expect others to make them happy. But happiness is a state of mind, and comes from our mind and not from the world. It 's our reaction in the world to determine the happiness, not the world itself. -
The bastards are not afraid of anything because they know they can tackle anything. An adult maintains its autonomy in all circumstances. He does not ask for anything more. It does not pretend to others to make him happy, we think by himself, because he believes in himself. The experience of loneliness gives rise to the ability to cope on their own difficulties and then to become adults. If you know someone incapable of being alone, then it's a baby! -
Whenever there is someone who wants something and another that gives it to him, there is a child and an asshole. -
Children are unhappy because they are full of expectations inexorably destined to be disappointed. -
The adult has no expectations. It takes what is there. An adult will never say that the world is full of assholes, but full of children! -
Children have a claim from which all others: that someone dedicates his entire life to them. -
Children are incapable of love. They are just hungry for love. They should learn to love yourself first and then to love our neighbor. To become assholes need to learn to love, then esteem. -
Children living in mind. They lie shamelessly and often firmly believe the lies they say. They are convinced they are right because they live in fantasy. -
The adults live in the real world and enjoy life, no matter what it offers. Can an adult, an asshole, leaving her life to change diapers and prepare gnaulante a baby a bottle every 4 hours? There are mothers for this! An adult can not long endure a baby! -
The bastards living in the present. -
children live in the past and future. Children are specialists in mental make saws. They do not have control of the world around them and do not know if the draw alone. -
The children are terrified of being alone! -
Loneliness is the size of the asshole! Why loneliness means freedom and liberty is the greatest good of the asshole. -
The children have only one purpose in life: to stick to the first wretch that passes, is hoping that the next lifetime and do not budge. The characteristics of the other party are irrelevant, just that is next door and not abandon him, because only the child is lost. The child starts with the first passing, swearing eternal love for the sole purpose of getting what he wants. -
The asshole knows that children are ready to fall in love with anyone make him think you are ready to take care of him for a lifetime. -
The asshole knows that sooner or later, the Child's plant a casino, because the child is systematically looking for someone to assist him, while the adult is busy enjoying life (not at the expense the next, you understand ... just to enjoy their lives and live it the best) -
To the asshole, sex and emotions are two separate things. (here I disagree, because I think it is a subjective matter more than objective NdA ) -
for children is all emotion. They feel betrayed if you talk to someone, if you go out with her friends, if you have a photo site that provides feedback from friends or strangers. They have a pathological need for affection. Jealousy is not something "nice". We often speak of betrayal. Whatever you do that is not dedicated to him will be. But you betrayed them in one thing only: their security. The security that was at its side to act as his nanny for the rest of your days. They and they alone. They never take into account the human capacity for devotion and affection turned to more people. The child only wants to possess the other person for his own exclusive use and consumption. -
Qualetradimento There can be an act with another person, whatever it is, whether the behavior to you rimaneinvariato?? -
The child needs to control the other in all its activities, in order to get all the attention for himself. He wants exclusivity.
The adult may sound selfish ... but if you've read this far, you can well understand those who are selfish! -
To the asshole, children are the wounds!! -
The adult loneliness because he loves to feel good about himself. Strontium choose their friends. -
The child can not choose his acquaintances. He has no friends but only people who keep him company. Everyone who attends, as long as you give what you need. His friendship is concerned. Children's relationship with others is always one way: they take and give nothing back. -
The child hates the shit, because it takes care of him. Do not be a mother. But the kid loves the shit, because it would be like him and can not. -
Become asshole is the secret aspiration of every child. -
bambinaper I've been a long time.
Today it is with immense gioiache I inform you of being a great asshole!
Footnotes' page
That is, the discoveries made by me along the way
The child is never curious. There is no questions and try to know you better. You will often say that he "has figured out how you made and it is not difficult to see why. No matter who you are, it matters that you are there for him!
To get what you want, the child is willing to spend on each person, including children, will not hesitate to leave for one night or forever. Either that, that goes well, will continue to attend to 'obligation' and not for love. Because the child is not able to prove true feelings. Li claims, but does not give.
- The child will soon launch in large effusions and lavish compliments to always seek new to keep you around, making you believe that without you, it would lost. The start of an association with a child is beautiful. An escalation of compliments, niceties, blatant messages, 'I love you' and 'I love you so much that there's unsettling how wonderful. Want to see how real? Try to say "Goodbye". Malche you go, there will be a fish in the face ... Well you go, you will not hear anymore!
- The child will always find excuses to justify their thoughts and actions and, of course, will find them from themselves, pointing the finger at potential offenders. It is you who do not understand, not that he can not be explained. And 'she / he did it become as it is, not him who has chosen to be the case. They are mom and dad who have brought up in such a manner, not that he has never changed. The 'sins' are all, rarely is his.
- The child will often tell you that "It 's changed." Will repeat until you lose all sense of reality. On one hand, his change is not obvious, the other his whining and his reps will make you doubt us understand something. Given the choice, I would weigh the facts and not words.
- Child and responsibility are two things that can not be in the same sentence. The child does not take responsibility for anything or anybody. Just listen. Considers congratulations phrases like, "You know you're good" (He's delegating responsibility to know you, there is just a compliment for doing nothing) or "You know I love you / I have changed / wishing I could do that etc etc etc .... You know it's a comment that is very indicative of the fact that you are dealing with a child and not an asshole.
- The boy asks everyone (and not because you considers it important to review your) opinions about himself. "You think I'm wrong?" "Do you believe me?" sui generis and things are clear signs of low self-esteem. Who knows how it does not need the opinion of others, even if they slam cheerfully. If a person comes to you and says, "You think that I can be changed?" You can safely let a worm from 1 kg in the ear and allow early to have breakfast with your synapses! An adult human SA to be changed and has no need to seek guidance outside. In addition to all the shows with the facts, and certainly not with words!
- The child rarely thanked or makes you credit for what you do. No matter how you break your back for the child they are things "due". So do not incazzatevi in \u200b\u200bthe evening, back with muddy shoes and if he takes off on the mat. That is his house and there goes a bit 'as they like! Tomorrow, will clean it again, because this is right. (For him)
- Child oppose strong resistance to anything perceived as an attempt to make your adult. One of the more traditional discourses of a child is: "You're trying to change / manipulate at your pleasure." Maybe you're just trying to make him understand, for 3miliardesima time if he wants to pee standing up and runs off the goccino on the edge of the cup, it can also be armed with a square of toilet paper to its demise. For him, it makes no difference. The bad is you and he is a martyr. Fatevene a reason to choose: I will hold and give up any attempt to evolve the item in question or throw it out of the house and finding himself an adult who behaves in that!
The child spends. Often in excess of its possibilities. Being essentially devoid of substance, apparently very tip, so do not be surprised if I change mobile phone according to the fashion of the moment, if you leave the house branded from head to foot or if he has a very expensive hobbies. In the absence of other, image is everything! For himself is willing to spend quite considerable numbers of objects for which the stove soon.
- speech totally changes when he has to make a gift to someone ... I often hear him say that gifts do not like it, take excuses like "If I make a gift prefer to avoid religious holidays," "I do not do presents, I". The reality is otherwise. Do not know and he never concerned about what you want or you want (as only he does not hesitate to expose you want, from pampering to material things), has not the faintest idea of \u200b\u200bwhat to buy. In the best cases, you will find the nice idea to give you something for the kitchen, showing all his idiocy. At worst, just buy the one thing that you said NOT to buy. "I do not want a golf tight and white." Here comes the golf tight and white. Restateci not dry. From which no one cares nothing but himself, you could not expect more. If it was smart, get to the ticket and go to change course. For the years to come, a nice post-it on the fridge that says: "letter to Santa Claus" and below the list of things you want to seriously. (Assuming you have not thrown out of the house for some time). It should not be better for birthdays, Valentine lSan, the esta of women, at Easter ("But as the dark chocolate, you know I do not like") (You should know .. but he cares? It 's the thought that counts ... and he is remembered), not to mention the anniversary. Do not expect you remember. To the cry of "E 'stuff girls, will leave you with an inch of his nose, and handed him the watch he wanted so much and for which you have spent a share, giving even the cafe for six months! I tell my heart ... first to see your heart that crumbles in the face of a child, send it back to her mother! :)
wants and chooses to do so a child can 'become a real asshole!
And, if I bellini already found so "small" ... Think how wonderful it might become when they grow up.
I know that you can choose well. Just from this post and stop doing the things listed under 'Children'. If, once embarked on the journey, we serve a hug of encouragement from an adult ... Go back and understand that this post is just that ... and that, as I am able to have abandoned along the way ... I have not left empty-handed for a moment.
As always, it's all in your hands! :) Best wishes to heart
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