Sunday, October 3, 2010

Congratulation Verses For Brother

chocolate cake GRANNY'S ...

I piiiiicccola piiiiicccola and my grandmother made me make the dough cakes.

I felt so proud. I, myself, did the cake for all! , So far as pussy.
Every time she turned to take one ingredient, I hunted in my mouth a ladle of batter (habit
NEVER lost).
In short time, Grandma has learned to increase the dose of the whole recipe, so as to prevent the oven, check a slice of white bread, rather than a cake 15cm high! :)
When I press against the soul the desire to have her stuffy neighbor ...
I make a pie! :)


E' decently easy. Get ready to wash 800 containers, ladles, spoons, etc. ...


400g flour,
250gr. butter
200gr. sugar
200gr. bitter cocoa powder
4 eggs
1 tablespoon baking
Milk QB

Take tritaffettasminuzzaeimpasta and buttateci in butter and sugar until the mixture spumosetto make.

Take a bowl large enough and moves the mixture into it.

Add the egg yolks, one at a time.

Add cocoa.
It 'time for you to check the muscoletti as the Incredible Hulk.

Begin to incorporate the flour (which you previously added baking powder).

Up to 2 tablespoons at a time, please!
You will immediately realize the slurry had turned into a lump bricks. Do not worry.

To soften all goccino add milk and continue to mix well.

not exaggerated. It should not be liquid.
milk is just to help mix the dough.
summarize ...
2 tablespoons flour ... turns ...
a bit 'of milk ... turns ...
And so on until the end to end white powder ...
(Echelon keeps an eye on me ...)
After the meal (cheers) give up all there and armed with whisk. It must be clear to mount the snow. (All 4)

this is done, add the egg whites to rest and you're done.

As always I recommend it to YOU.
should not be taken to clear the ladle. Should be massaged gently with rotatory motion from top to bottom .. com love, gently, with chiaritudine!
Grease a VERY good mold 30cm slap in the oven ...

The usual drama ... Let's say 45 minutes??
This time we do so ...

You search the cake without opening the oven.
When you see the beauty above format, when you feel the aroma of home invasion and you will feel 'ready, check with a toothpick.
careful not to open the oven too soon, otherwise the cake will deflate.

If you are healthy carriers of glasses, remove it before opening the oven! :)

Cool everything and put the cake on a plate.

Remember also to protect the goodies from your beloved felines psychotic. (And by their husbands / partners)

Sprinkle with powdered sugar.



cake lends itself well to variations 546,353,434.

If you like you can add nuts or almonds or whatever you like. (Croquettes, yogurt, hot pepper, .. Really the possibilities are endless. I, the next time, we smack into the macaroons!)
As is high, you can cut it in half and add the cream. (In this regard, will open early in the Kremlin Delicious category)

If you get caught by spasm and do want to make a cake, but you can melt the chocolate .. . scquagl ... Dissolve 200g. of dark chocolate in a double boiler.

is good all the same.
grade level

Mother Abbess said: "Really good"
As a compliment every 15 years, I would say that is absolutely worth trying! :)))
Bon appétit!


If you have added ingredients and baked a variant that you liked it, write it well in the comments, so others will emulate them! :)

remember that anonymous comments will not be published!



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